Training Onyx

It has been said that you get the exact dog you need in your life at that moment.  That each dog comes into your life to teach you something new.  Well, despite being just a little over 2 years old, Onyx has taught me a ton in a short amount of time.  The main lesson she has taught me is that I’m a horrible dog trainer and that I need to become a better trainer […]

Luna’s Return & Mentally Overcoming Injury

This upcoming weekend will mark our return to competitive agility after a 3 month break from trialing and almost 2 months from agility anything.  I had been looking to incorporate a multi-month agility break for Luna for some time now.  Since she turned 15 months old it’s been non-stop with hardly any breaks for her.  Granted, we’re not trialing every weekend, but we do practice an awful lot.  We usually have at least 1 class a […]

The “Holmberg Double” Challenge

Before I begin, let me say this.   I’m only using the name as a shorthand way of describing the challenge in two A3 courses the judge, Peter Holmberg, designed from a competition last weekend in Europe.  It is in no way ascribing the challenge’s origination to him. In the 2 course maps below, one for A3 small and one for A3 medium, there is a fairly unique challenge (obstacles #6 & #7) that I had never seen before […]

The Opening

Welcome all!  Welcome to the home of Agility Lunatics.  I’m not sure exactly what will take place here, but hopefully having this space available will inspire me to write and share things about dog agility from my perspective.  How often posts will comes I have no idea.  What topics I might cover I have no idea.  I’m not an instructor so I doubt training ideas will come flowing forth from me.  Right now, I’m more […]