Advancing Agility in America

I’ve felt for quite a while now that it doesn’t feel like agility in America is advancing at a pace that other parts of the world seem to be advancing.  My experiences competing overseas just amplifies that feeling I have.  The courses, the atmosphere, the mentality all seem to be at a different level in this country compared to Europe.  There is nothing necessarily wrong with that as the demographics and audience in America are […]

FUN – My Journey to Having Fun in Agility

Today is Dog Agility Blog Action Day and the topic we are going to be discussing is FUN. Three little letters and a concept easy to grasp most of the time, but often times so difficult to achieve in training or trialing.  Instead of writing about fun games to play in training with your dog or fun things to do at trials I want to talk about my journey to having fun in agility so […]

New Blog for New Real Life Home

I started a new blog that will serve a specific function.  My wife and I just bought a new home a little over a week ago and I wanted to track all the changes we’re making to our new home.  We are doing a lot to fix it up and make it what we want.  We are, of course, also buying all the agility equipment as we will now be able to walk out into […]

Clearing the Cobwebs

It’s been a long time since I posted on here.  My last post was right before I left for Germany to compete at the European Open which was the middle of July.  Since then I’ve started quite a few posts, but haven’t finished them.  I start writing on a topic, but inevitably don’t finish it because what I have been thinking about and started writing about with regards to agility probably will piss some people […]

ITT 2015 Thoughts and Musings

In less than 24 hours Luna and I will pile into the car and set off to drive to Minneapolis for our 2nd AKC International Team Tryout event.  Last year was our first time going and we did well enough to be selected to join the 2014 EO team that traveled to Hungary.  Since the EO, my perspective on agility has changed tremendously.  As I get ready to head to ITT, I wanted to write down […]

The Opening

Welcome all!  Welcome to the home of Agility Lunatics.  I’m not sure exactly what will take place here, but hopefully having this space available will inspire me to write and share things about dog agility from my perspective.  How often posts will comes I have no idea.  What topics I might cover I have no idea.  I’m not an instructor so I doubt training ideas will come flowing forth from me.  Right now, I’m more […]