The latest big item to get finished was our new furnace and AC. Both of those went in on Friday and we got a new thermostat to go along with it. They’re both high efficiency units which means a giant rebate from our local power company. Unfortunately, because of the temperature on the day of the install, they could not do the efficiency testing for the AC so we have to wait until the spring before the HVAC company can do the testing and establish the efficiency.
It sounds like this week my wife and her father will start on the kitchen floor. I’ll try to help as much as I can after work, but her father will be gone by that point so not sure how much help I can give. We also have to paint a ton of cord around this week to put in our new house. This week should also see the delivery of our new kitchen island as well as the rubber floor matting we’re going to put in the back two rooms that will be used as the “dog” rooms. The crates will be back there along with ribbons, trophies, and other knick knacks from our dogs. And lastly we should be getting our new refrigerator delivered finally. It’s been sitting in the Menards warehouse for about 3 weeks now. Never called to get it delivered as the kitchen floor was still just subflooring.