The Opening

Welcome all!  Welcome to the home of Agility Lunatics.  I’m not sure exactly what will take place here, but hopefully having this space available will inspire me to write and share things about dog agility from my perspective.  How often posts will comes I have no idea.  What topics I might cover I have no idea.  I’m not an instructor so I doubt training ideas will come flowing forth from me.  Right now, I’m more of a cook than a chef (h/t Daisy Peel) but maybe some day I’ll develop into a chef.  I definitely enjoy sharing the knowledge I’ve acquired in the world of agility to help teams get better, but so far have not really delved into that arena.

More than likely this place will be where I share my journey in the world of agility.  My journey with Luna as we continue our quest to be competitive not only on a national level, but an international level.  We’ve had one international trip under our belt and I hope we have a few more before she’s too old to compete at that level.  I will also share my journey with Onyx, my younger dog, who was quick to humble me as a dog trainer.  If I can ever harness her she could turn out to be a more competitive dog than Luna.  And if I stick to this place for a long time it may chronicle my journey with my future dogs.  You’ll also probably see posts about the successes my wife has as she continues to delve into the dog sport world with all of our dogs in agility, nosework, dock diving, and whatever other sports she finds that she might be interested in doing.

For now, obviously, it will be very bare.  With time it should start to fill out as I figure out what I want here.

